Leicestershire Scouts - Mucky March

Mucky March is a Leicestershire Scouts Litter Picking Project.
We are aiming to clear up Leicestershire by taking action, picking up litter and raising awareness of the issues litter creates.
Using the buttons below, you can record where you have been collecting on our map - including adding a picture. Slowly, our map will be full of rubbish bags.
Also record how many bags you've collected, how long you've been out and who with.
We'll see which Group/District has been collecting the most rubbish on our Graphs page.

Together We Can Make A Difference

Rubbish Collecting

We want to know which streets/areas you have been gathering rubbish in.
Record it here to put a pin in our map.

How many bags have you collected?
Record them here along with how long you've been out and about collecting rubbish.

Bags of Rubbish


Bags of Cans for Helipad


Number of Scouts


Number of Hours

A Map Goes Here ...